Peter Singer Preis in Berlin

Peter Singer wird im Juni 2018 in Berlin sein, um an der Preisverleihung des Peter Singer Preises teilzunehmen, dessen erster Preisträger Peter Singer war. Dieses Jahr geht er an Philip Wollen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Details hier:

Vorträge über Derek Parfit

Zwanzig Vorträge zum 2017 verstorbenen Philosophen Derek Parfit sind hier archiviert worden:

Mill's Marginalia Online

Die Marginalien einiger Bücher aus John Stuart Mills Bibliothek wurden erfasst. Weitere Infos hier:

ISUS 2018 am KIT im Juli !

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Second CFP ISUS 2018

Second Call for Papers (October 2017) for  ISUS 2018


The 2018 Conference of the International Society for Utilitarian Studies will take place on July 24-26 at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (with an informal get-together on 23 July). Local hosts are Michael Schefczyk and Christoph Schmidt-Petri.

The main theme is ‘Utility, Progress and Technology’, and the conference will be supported by KIT’s Institute of Technology Futures as well as the recently founded German Society for Utilitarian Studies (


The keynote speakers will be Julia Driver, William MacAskill and Anders Sandberg. Dieter Birnbacher will deliver a public lecture on July 23 (in German, English text will be provided).



Participants of ISUS are also welcome to join any of three workshops following the main conference (July 27-28) also held at KIT:

  • J.S. Mill’s Naturalism (organised by Philipp Schink, speakers include David Brink and Christopher MacLeod
  • Prioritarianism (organised by Annette Dufner, Vuko Andric and Rudolf Schuessler, speakers include Nils Holtug, Ingmar Persson, Wlodek Rabinowicz, Shlomi Segall, Alex Voorhoeve)
  • Derek Parfit’s Philosophical Legacy (organised by Christian Seidel, speakers include Roger Crisp, Matthias Hoesch, Brad Hooker, Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek and Melinda Roberts)

There will be a summer school for students (undergraduate as well as postgraduate) on July 22-23. Participants include Roger Crisp, Julia Driver, Anders Sandberg and Ulla Wessels.


Professional third-party childcare will be available during the conference.


We invite submissions of abstracts (about 200 words) for the main conference. The list of possible topics includes but is not limited to:

  • Classical and modern thinkers in the utilitarian tradition (e.g. Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, Henry Sidgwick, Derek Parfit, Richard Hare, Peter Singer)
  • Topics related to utilitarianinism in ethics or political philosophy (e.g. varieties of utilitarianism, consequentialism,  enhancement, population ethics, world poverty)
  •  Normative questions arising from the use of technology in general (e.g. geoengineering, automated driving, robotics, biotechnology, information technology)

Additionally, we are inviting submissions for panels. These may be on any related topic and should include an abstract (about 200 words) as well as the names of three to four speakers who have agreed to participate in the panel. The papers to be delivered in the panels do not individually go through the normal refereeing process, the panel is assessed as a whole. We support each accepted panel with 500E for travel expenses and local accommodation.


All speakers at ISUS are invited to submit a full paper of about 3000 words by October 31, 2018, for a refereed open-access print-on-demand proceedings volume to be published by KIT Scientific Publishing under licence CC-BY-SA 4.0. (authors are free to republish the material fully or in part elsewhere). 


Important Dates:

  • March  2, 2018: deadline for the submission of abstracts for papers and panels
  • March 15, 2018: notification of acceptance
  • July 22-23, 2018: summer school
  • July 23, 2018: public lecture, informal get-together
  • July 24-26, 2018: ISUS main conference
  • July 27-28, 2018: satellite workshops  
  • Oct. 31, 2018: submission of full papers
  • Dec. 2018: publication of conference volume


More information on the submission procedure as well as the summer school at

Ausgabe von John Stuart Mills Ökonomischen Schriften abgeschlossen

Im Metropolis Verlag ist eine fünfbändie Ausgabe von Mills Ökonomischen Schriften erschienen, Herausgeber der Bände sind Michael Aßländer, Hans Nutzinger und Dieter Birnbacher.

Anlässlich des Abschlusses der Ausgabe veranstaltete die FEST Heidelberg eine Tagung, das Programm ist hier.

CFP: Conceptions of Happiness

Fortune, Felicity, and Happiness between 1500 and 1750

This conference (which will take place at the University of Paderborn, Germany, from May 25th – 26th 2018) investigates the richness and variety of concepts of happiness from 1500 to 1750 as well as their negotiation and reconfiguration in the fictional and non-fictional literature of the period. We will probe the uses and meanings of “happiness,” a relatively new word in the 16th century, as well as the meanings and uses of its closely related terms felicity, (good) fortune, pleasure and bliss.

At the centre of discussion will be the cultural processes through which happiness changed from a semantically rich and complex notion to a concept that largely came to denote a subjective, transient emotional state of mind, tied to the individual’s pursuit of material goods and immaterial prospects as well as to the institution of marriage (Vivasvan Soni: Mourning Happiness). Early modern notions of happiness comprised Neoplatonic visions of cosmic harmony and of the soul’s ascent to God,1 reconfigurations of the workings of the Wheel of Fortune, of classical practices of the care of the self as well as adaptations of the Epicurean notion of the pursuit of pleasure that were inspired by the recovery of Lucretius’s De rerum natura, as Stephen Greenblatt has shown.2 Further aspects that invite exploration are early modern reconfigurations of Platonic, Aristotelian, Stoic, Ciceronian and Christian concepts of good government/government for the common good, humanist ideas of creativity and freedom, the Machiavellian notions of virtù and desire, the blessings of God’s Providence, Christian forms of the good life or Spinoza’s pantheistic concept of man’s intellectual love of God/the universe.

Whereas the works of Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury and Francis Hutcheson, eighteenth-century poetry, drama as well as comic, picaresque and realist novels and parables still contained traces of classical and early modern concepts of cosmic harmony, beatitude, fortune and happiness (manifesting themselves in Shaftesbury’s notion of an innate moral sense through which humans are connected with the harmonious order of the universe, in the sudden reversals of fortune and references to the workings of God’s providence in comic, picaresque and realist novels), British moral philosophy (from Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan and John Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding onwards) came to locate happiness in the purview of the individual’s desire/pursuit.

This conference addresses (but is not limited to) the following questions:

  • What were the uses and meanings of “happiness,” “felicity,” “(good) fortune,” “pleasure,” and “bliss”?
  • How did the concepts of fortune, felicity and happiness change during the period under investigation?
  • What caused these paradigmatic changes?
  • Which texts contributed to them?
  • How did the concepts of felicity, fortune and happiness interact on the level of individual texts?
  • In which ways did the literary reconfigurations of these concepts shape the texts and genres in which they appeared?
  • How were the concepts of fortune, felicity and happiness related to theories of governance and leadership?
  • How were these concepts related to ideas of Utopianism? In which ways were they linked with discourses on morality, vice and virtue?

Although the analysis of English texts and contexts will be our central concern, we seek to
investigate them from a broader European perspective: papers on Italian, French, Spanish and
German discussions of the subject are very welcome. The textual corpus of analysis
comprises (but is not limited to) narrative texts (e.g. romances, novels, tales, auto/biographies,
diaries), plays, poetry, epic, pastoral literature, religious and political treatises, devotional
literature, essays, conduct literature, husbandry literature, utopian literature and popular

Please send a 300-500 word abstract and a short bionote to Katrin Röder and Christoph
Singer (, by 30 September 2017.

Kind regards,
Katrin Röder (University of Potsdam, Germany)

Save the Date - ISUS 2018

The 2018 Conference of the International Society for Utilitarian Studies will take place on 24-26 July in Karlsruhe, Germany (with an informal get-together on 23 July).  Local host is Michael Schefczyk.

The main theme will be ‘Utility, Progress and Technology’, and the conference will be supported by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ( as well as the recently founded German Society for Utilitarian Studies (

There will also be a summer school for students (undergraduate as well as postgraduate) on 21-22 July.

Childcare will be available during the conference.

We will circulate a detailed Call for Papers shortly. The deadline for the submission of abstracts will be in early 2018, notification of acceptance will be sent out by 15 March 2018 at the latest.

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European Happiness Day, Rotterdam

Call for papers: European Happiness Days, March 20-22, Rotterdam, The Netherlands


Starting on the official UN International Day of Happiness, the Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organisation will organize the European Happiness Days at the Erasmus University Rotterdam from Monday March 20 until Wednesday March 22, 2017. Central theme will be: The Value of Happiness: A World To Win. On the first two days (Monday and Tuesday) the subtheme will be The Happy Economy, on the third day (Wednesday) this will be The Good Economy. The European Happiness Days will be organized by the Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organisation (EHERO) to celebrate both its 1st lustrum and the 1st lustrum of the UN International Day of Happiness.


Aim of the European Happiness Days is to bring together an international group of researchers, policy makers and business leaders with an interest in happiness economics to present and discuss research findings as well as share experiences from the field. Confirmed keynote speakers are Professor Ruut Veenhoven, Professor Erik Angner and Happiness Ambassador and editor of the World Book of Happiness Leo Bormans. After the plenary speeches in the morning, in the afternoon sessions and workshops will be organized around three subjects:


- Happiness and Organizations (business)

- Happiness and Lifestyles (individuals)

- Happiness and Policies (governance)


For the parallel sessions, we seek academic papers offering conceptual and empirical insights into happiness from an interdisciplinary point (economics, psychology, sociology, health studies, management, etc.) of view. Key themes include (but are not limited to):


 - Employment, unemployment and happiness

- Happiness and firm performance

- Urban and rural differences in happiness

- Happiness and economic and political crises

- Consumption, income and happiness

- Leisure and happiness

- Health and happiness

- Quality of governance and happiness

- Education and happiness

- Family, children and happiness

- Happiness and migration

- Happiness economics and behavioral economics

- Ethics and happiness

- Eudemonic happiness

- Environmental quality, sustainability and happiness

- Circular economy

- Experimental research on happiness

- Measurement of happiness


Please send abstracts of no more than 250 words to by February 9. Participants will be notified of acceptance by February 16th; after which they need to register via the conference website ( which will be online soon. The Conference registration fees are applicable to all participants, except keynote speakers and invited participants.


Conference Fees


3-days European Happiness Days

Normal  295 euro

Student (including PhD students)   150 euro


One separate day

Normal 150 euro

Student (including PhD students) 75 euro


We hope to welcome you in Rotterdam this Spring!


On behalf of the organizing committee,


Dr. Martijn Burger and Prof. dr. Ruut Veenhoven



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Ausgabe der Ausgewählten Werke von John Stuart Mill abgeschlossen

Mit einer Festveranstaltung im Berliner Literaturhaus wurde am 9.11.2016 die Fertigstellung der Ausgabe der Ausgewählten Werke von John Stuart Mill gefeiert, Festredner war Udo di Fabio. Die im Hamburger Murmann Verlag erschienene fünfbändige Ausgabe (Band 3 in zwei Teilbänden) umfasst zahlreiche Neu- und Erstübersetzungen, die Texte sind kommentiert und umfangreich eingeleitet. Die Ausgabe versammelt Mills wichtigste Schriften zu Politik, Gesellschaft und Moralphilosophie. Gesamtherausgeber der Ausgabe sind Ulrike Ackermann und Hans-Jörg Schmidt, einige Bände wurden von Michael Schefczyk und Christoph Schmidt-Petri herausgegeben. Der Subskriptionspreis für alle Bände beträgt bis zum 31.1.2017 noch 249E, der reguläre Preis danach 324E. Die Weitere Informationen auf der Seite des Verlags, hier.

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Texte zum Utilitarismus bei Reclam

Jörg Schroth ist Herausgeber einer neuen Textsammlung, die kürzlich bei Reclam erschienen ist. Die Texte zum Utilitarismus stammen  u.a. von J.S. Mill, Bentham, Hare, Singer, Birnbacher, Rawls, Williams und Kymlicka, eine gelungene Einführung des Herausgebers rundet den Band ab. Weitere Informationen auf der Seites des Verlags, hier.

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CFP: Happiness, Virtue and the Meaning of Life (Stockholm)


Stockholm University
May 5, 2017


In recent years, psychologists, neuroscientists, economists, and other scientists have turned their attention to traditional philosophical themes of happiness, virtue, and the meaning of life. Perhaps not coincidentally, philosophers’ interest in these themes appears to have been rekindled.

This workshop aims to close the gap between empirical and philosophical approaches to questions of happiness, virtue, and the meaning of life, in the interest of encouraging the development of an empirically informed philosophy and a science with philosophical awareness.

Goals include to explore the degree to which the conclusions of philosophical reflection and systematic empirical study of issues of happines, virtue, and the meaning of life are converging (or not); what in general contemporary scientists can learn from philosophy, its history and methodology, and what contemporary philosophers stand to gain from engaging with the empirical literature; what in particular recent work has revealed about the nature of happiness (e.g., if it includes an account of the meaning of life) and virtue (e.g., whether it can be understood as a self-transcendent practical orientation); what the power and limitations of empirical methods are in addressing philosophical questions; and whether there remains a space for armchair philosophizing in addressing the topics.

Philosophers, historians, psychologists, economists, and others interested in participating are invited to submit complete papers electronically or in hard copy to the organizer (see contact information below) on or before January 5, 2017. Papers that adopt interdisciplinary approaches and that touch upon more than one of the three themes are particularly welcome. Submissions should be suitable for a 20–25-minute presentation.

The workshop will be held in Aula Magna on the Frescati (main) campus of Stockholm University, which is easily reachable via metro and bus from the city center: The location is wheelchair accessible.

The workshop is sponsored by the Department of Philosophy at Stockholm University <> in collaboration with the John Templeton Foundation grant “Virtue, Happiness, and the Meaning of Life” <>.


Deadline for submission: January 5, 2017
Notification of accepted papers: January 15, 2017
Workshop: May 5, 2017


Jennifer Frey (University of South Carolina)
Candace Vogler (University of Chicago)


Erik Angner
Dept. of Philosophy
Stockholm University
114 25 Stockholm, Sweden

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15 Promotionsstellen zur Tierethik in Göttingen

Im Rahmen des Promotionsprogramms "Animal Welfare in Intensive Livestock Production Systems - Transformationsprozesse der intensiven Tierhaltung", welches vom Niedersächsischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur gefördert wird, sind zum 01.11.2016 oder später 15 Doktorandenstellen befristet für die Dauer von 3 Jahren zu besetzen. Die Vergütung erfolgt durch "Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg-Stipendien". Bewerbungen senden Sie bitte an Bewerbungsschluss ist der 23.10.2016.


Weitere Informationen:

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Best Student Paper Award an Dorothee Bleisch

GUS-Gründungsmitglied Dorothee Bleisch (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)  hat bei der Konferenz der International Society for Utilitarian Studies in Lille den "Best Student Paper Award" gewonnen. Ihr Paper trägt den Titel "Consequentialism and Friendship – An Analysis of the Friendship Critique to Consequentialist Theories on the Basis of the Motivational Objection". Wir gratulieren!

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ISUS 2018 in Karlsruhe!

Die Konferenz der International Society for Utilitarian Studies wird im Jahre 2018 in Karlsruhe stattfinden. In Kürze weitere Details hier!

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